49280 | Wholesale & Retail Distribution   

What is the purpose of this course?

The purpose of this Certificate is to equip learners to understand and acquaint themselves with the underlying principles of all the major areas related to distribution within the Wholesale & Retail sector, thus enabling them to become more effective employees. The Certificate further aims to provide career paths through various levels and areas of the Wholesale and Retail environment thus promoting the notion of quality lifelong learning. By assisting in the development of competence in the Wholesale and Retail field (arguably one of the bigger, more labour intensive and therefore important arenas for social and economic transformation in the country), this Certificate will provide a stepping-stone for further learning in the Further Education and Training Band.

What will I learn?

Qualifying learners will be able to:

  • Communicate both verbally and in writing.

  • Understand and apply mathematics.

  • Perform stock related functions.

  • Define the core concepts of the W & R environment.

  • Maintain a safe and secure Wholesale and Retail environment.

  • Implement Point of Sale transactions and procedures.

  • Offer and maintain a credit facility and customer accounts.

  • Perform general administrative and office functions.

  • Pack and handle food and non-food items.

  • Deal with customers.

  • Apply in and outbound call centre operations within a commercial environment.

  • Plan self-development.

What is the pre-requisite for this course?

Learners accessing this qualification will have demonstrated competence in relevant communication and mathematical literacy at NQF Level 1.

How long will it take me?

1 200 Notional hours

(120 Credits. Each credit = 10 hours) 

What do I get?

National Certificate and your results will be uploaded on the NLRD (National Learner Record Database)


NQF Level: 2

Credits: 120

SETA: W&RSETA (Learnership)

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