Business Communication

What is the purpose of this workshop?

This workshop enables learners to participate effectively in oral/signed communication in most situations, to use analytical skills to make sophisticated judgements about complex human and social issues. To communicate confidently and fluently in writing in almost any formal and informal situation and to follow a process in writing texts and reports required in business. It is intended to promote clear, unambiguous communication in plain language and to improve the quality of written reports and other texts that are specific to a business environment, require a particular format and may include specified legislated requirements. The workshop enables learners to recognise and effectively use textual conventions and features specific to business texts.

Who can benefit from attending?

All persons who need to:

  • Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts.  

  • Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts.  

  • Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts.  

  • Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment.  

What are the outcomes?

At the end of the workshop learners will be able to:

Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts

  • Respond critically yet sensitively as a listener/audience

  • Analyse own responses to spoken texts and adjust as required

  • Use strategies to be an effective speaker in sustained oral interactions

  • Evaluate spoken discourse 

Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts

  • Critically analyse texts produced for a range of purposes, audiences, and contexts

  • Identify and explain the values, attitudes, and assumptions in texts

  • Evaluate the effects of content, language, and style on readers'/viewers' responses in specific texts. 

Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts

  • Write effectively and creatively on a range of topics

  • Choose language structures and features to suit communicative purposes

  • Edit writing for fluency and unity. 

Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment

  • Using textual features and conventions specific to texts

  • Identifying the intended audience for the communication

  • Identifying the purpose of a text

  • Selecting the appropriate text type, format, and layout for the purpose

  • Organising and structuring a technical text appropriately

  • Using appropriate grammar conventions

  • Drafting and editing a technical text

  • Recognising errors and checking for accuracy

  • Presenting the same information in different ways

  • Using plain language in business 

What is the duration of the workshop?

4 Days (7 hours per day)

What will I receive on completion?

A certificate of attendance

Your assessed workbook

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